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  • Writer's pictureTracy Armstrong

Cookies for Santa!

Who's getting ready for the holidays by preparing dozens of cookies? Maybe you pre-order cookies from your favourite bakery, participate in a cookie swap or make your own traditional cookies for the holidays. I usually buy a bunch from my favourite bakeries and make many dozens of cookies. My favourites are the traditional ones that Oma made. There is nothing better than nostagia at Christmas.

The tradition of leaving cookies for Santa Claus has roots in a combination of cultural influences, folklore, and the evolving portrayal of Santa Claus over the years. The modern concept of Santa Claus as a jolly, gift-giving figure is largely influenced by the Dutch legend of Sinterklaas, who was said to leave treats for children on the evening of December 5th. When Dutch settlers brought this tradition to America in the 18th century, it merged with other Christmas customs, gradually forming the character we now know as Santa Claus.

The practice of leaving food or treats for supernatural beings has deep historical and cultural roots in various societies. In medieval England, for instance, it was customary to leave food and drink for the mythical figure known as Father Christmas. Over time, as Christmas celebrations evolved and merged with other cultural traditions, the act of leaving cookies for Santa became more widespread.

The specific tradition of leaving cookies for Santa gained popularity in the United States during the 1930s and 1940s. The idea was likely popularized through various media, including advertisements and illustrations depicting Santa enjoying a snack left by thoughtful children. The image of leaving cookies and milk for Santa became ingrained in American Christmas culture, creating a heartwarming tradition that continues to be passed down from generation to generation as a way for children to express gratitude for the gifts they receive on Christmas morning.

PS - I am looking forward to more Christmas cookies and Hallmark movies!

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Nov 14, 2023

These cookies look delicious, YUM 👩‍🍳!! Where can I find that fabulous recipe?? 🍪🍷🎅

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